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Audiolibro Aumentar El Placer Sexo Tantrico Barbara Moore
$99.00 MXN Precio en pesos mexicanos, Aceptamos Tarjetas de crédito o débito (A través de Paypal), transferencias o efectivo en Bancos, Oxxo, 7-eleven y diversos establecimientos (A través de MercadoPago)Though the origin of Tantra is a bit tricky to pin down, it’s pretty well-accepted by most that it found its start in ancient Indian spiritual practice around about 5,000 years ago. Despite its start in the eastern world, tantra and navatantric sex is a global concept practiced today by millions
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Por ser contenido digital no se aceptan devoluciones salvo en algunas excepciones, conoce más en el siguiente enlace: Envios y devoluciones.Duracion: 3 hrs y 16 mins Though the origin of Tantra is a bit tricky to pin down, it’s pretty well-accepted by most that it found its start in ancient Indian spiritual practice around about 5,000 years ago. Despite its start in the eastern world, tantra and navatantric sex is a global concept practiced today by millions. Tantra and tantric sex techniques to fit the modern world are always being expanded and traversed in order to discover new ways of maintaining the most intimate connections between partners. Tantric sex has very little to do with reaching a sexual peak, and everything to do with building a deep emotional connection. Whether or not you experience orgasm is irrelevant. The sexual connection, in this case, is the journey, not the destination. You’ll find among these lessons many benefits that come with practicing tantric sex, but in the case of the experience being all about the journey, tantric sex can work very well as an all-natural promotion of sexual virility, and a solution to low sexual libido. Tantric sex asks the individual to become familiar and comfortable with their own sexual being, and then to experience pleasure sharing this experience with another. These practices seek to worship the bodies and deliver intense pleasure to one another through their application. Tantra is nowhere near only about sex. Practicing tantric sex and tantric living means embracing a concentration on one’s own breath, thoughts, and alignment with the ultimate self. Truly, only after aligning with your own self, can you achieve ultimate alignment with another. A tantric master is acutely attentive to his or her own physical movements, both within the external world and within one’s own internal body. Our understanding of tantric sex, and tantra as a philosophy and way of life, in general, has been warped, skewed, and watered down so that most of us are left with the layman’s understanding that tantric sex is about wild, tawdry, love-making. That’s not to say it can’t be, but it isn’t necessarily. First and foremost, tantra was a spiritual practice and a habit of breathing. The tantric observance is also about exploring other intimate parts of the relationship that are not just sex. It’s about finding intimate pleasure in those places. Tantra is a commitment of thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and the awareness of these when interacting with others, both platonically and sexually. If your connection with your partner is suffering from a weak signal, the implementation of tantric sex, alone or together, can transform and reignite the intimate and sexual experiences you have with your partner. With a tantric perspective, the experience becomes about identifying pleasures and desires and giving them proper recognition. Then, using that power for leverage in experiencing extreme indulgence in those desires. This can definitely be achieved on your own, and probably should be, before sharing the experience with another. In many practices of tantric sex, there is no contact with genitals at all, but the same, and better, enhancement of the sexual experience comes to fruition. Instead of reaching climax, the goal is to see how much pleasure you can experience and where you can follow your own sexual energy, and then the sexual energy created between you and another. IDIOMA: ESPAÑOLTe recomendamos ver nuestro tutorial con imágenes aquí: Como Comprar
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Though the origin of Tantra is a bit tricky to pin down, it’s pretty well-accepted by most that it found its start in ancient Indian spiritual practice around about 5,000 years ago. Despite its start in the eastern world, tantra and navatantric sex is a global concept practiced today by millions
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- Guias Exani Egel Ceneval Y Mas
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