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Description are in both Spanish & English. Carmen T. Martinez era una niña muy alegre. Le gustaba bailar, cantar, dibujar, jugar, correr por toda la casa y el patio. Lo que nunca pudo imaginar, por su inocencia y su corta edad, era que iba a hacer la autora y protagonista de su propia vida. Cuando apenas tenia tres años de edad, empezó a ser atormentada por los espíritus.Especialmente con este espíritu casi infernal el cual narra con mucha pasión en este, su libro, “La Luz Detrás De La Oscuridad”. Su lucha con aquel “Ser”, sus miedos, corajes, furia y aquella incapacidad para poder defenderse sin siquiera atreverse a decir una sola palabra, por el temor a que no le creyeran por ser una niña muy alegrecreyeran por ser una niña muy alegre, astuta e independiente. Mi familia también pensaba que era mentirosa. De ahí la decisión de escribir su propia historia y gritar al mundo “LO QUE NUNCA SE ATREVIO A DECIR!”Carmen T. Martinez was a very happy little girl who liked to dance, sing, draw, play, and run throughout the house and the yard. Because of her innocence and her very young age, she never would have imagined that someday she’d become the author and protagonist of her own life. It all began at the tender age of three when she began to experience torment by spirits. Especially by this one particular, almost infernal, spirit in which she narrates in her book, "the light behind the darkness", with so much passion. During her fight with that "being", her fears, anger, fury and her inability to defend herself, she became helpless and alone in a house full of people because she dared not say a single word to anyone for fear that her family would not believe her. Her family knew her to be a very lively, astute and independent girl, but they also thought that she was a bit of a fibber. There came the decision to write her own history and shout out to the world "WHAT SHE NEVER DARED TO SAY!”