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Audiolibro Spanish Short Stories for Beginners Paulo Garcia
$99.00 MXN Precio en pesos mexicanos, Aceptamos Tarjetas de crédito o débito (A través de Paypal), transferencias o efectivo en Bancos, Oxxo, 7-eleven y diversos establecimientos (A través de MercadoPago)Have you always wanted to learn Spanish, but never had the time? Have you considered doing it in a more passive way without spending hours in a classroom or poring over books? This collection of Spanish short stories could well be the answer! Learning any language can take time, and many find the c
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Por ser contenido digital no se aceptan devoluciones salvo en algunas excepciones, conoce más en el siguiente enlace: Envios y devoluciones.Duracion: 10 hrs y 44 mins Have you always wanted to learn Spanish, but never had the time? Have you considered doing it in a more passive way without spending hours in a classroom or poring over books? This collection of Spanish short stories could well be the answer! Learning any language can take time, and many find the concept of a new language to be something that is often beyond them. Rigorously learning phrases and words by repeating them over and over again can be off-putting for some, and if we are honest with ourselves, it can be quite boring, too. But there is another way to learn Spanish, that takes away the need to spend laborious time studying it. This book Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: 10 Hours of Spanish Short Stories, Conversations and Exercises to Learn This Language and Improve Your Vocabulary in a Fun and Passive Way! provides easy stories for your enjoyment that will help you to: Enjoy the process of learning Spanish Read something different every time Understand the Spanish language in a new and fun way Improve your vocabulary Enjoy a short summary of the story at the end Questions to test your knowledge And more... With more than 20 individual stories, each covering a different topic, Spanish Short Stories for Beginners is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the Spanish language and learn it without even knowing you are doing so. Easy to listen to at home or while commuting to work, these stories will help improve your understanding of Spanish quickly and without fuss, helping you to become a better Spanish speaker in the process. Scroll up, and click "buy now" for your audiobook now! IDIOMA: ESPAÑOLTe recomendamos ver nuestro tutorial con imágenes aquí: Como Comprar
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Have you always wanted to learn Spanish, but never had the time? Have you considered doing it in a more passive way without spending hours in a classroom or poring over books? This collection of Spanish short stories could well be the answer! Learning any language can take time, and many find the c
- Con Descuento
- Guias Exani Egel Ceneval Y Mas
- AudioLibros