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Audiolibro Spanish Short Stories for Beginners Foreign Language Academy
$99.00 MXN
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¡Hola! If you got here, it's because you are interested in learning Spanish using the stories method
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Duracion: 3 hrs y 56 mins
¡Hola! If you got here, it's because you are interested in learning Spanish using the stories method. Then, let me tell you that you won’t regret buying this book because it contains 20 stories about different topics that have vocabulary and sentences that will be really useful for your process of learning Spanish. As you might know, nowadays, Spanish is the second most spoken language all over the world. So, I guess that you have an idea of how this will help you to broaden your horizons in several ways. It is scientifically proven that learning a new language, or at least a second one, has a lot of benefits for your brain. It helps you to improve your memory; thinking about something in another language will help you to analyze the situation deeply; it makes easier to switch between tasks, will improve your confidence, and even will delay the effects of Alzheimer's for about four or five years. Now, you might be wondering, “What will I find here”? Well, let me tell you that in this book, you will find 20 stories divided by chapters. Each chapter contains a story written in Spanish. At the end of it, you will hear a brief summary of the story in Spanish, and afterward, you will hear the summary translated to English. After that, a little list that contains the important vocabulary of each story. And last but not least, a question section that will help you to prove yourself and your reading comprehension. Here are some of the stories that you will find here: El Pincel Mágico: A kid who became an orphan, whose dream was to be an artist, was forced by his grandmother to study software engineering. One day, when he was coming back from work, he sat on a bench at a park, where an unknown subject gave him a magic brush. Everything drawn with that magic brush was brought to real life. Los Hermanos Del Bosque: Two orphan kids who lived in the woods one day saw a blind man who took a nap in a tree near to where they lived. When the man woke up, he departed but left a bag where he had a nap. When the two brothers took the bag to see what was inside, they found tons of money. One of the brothers suggested keeping it, and that way they could live a better life. But the other brother knew that it was not right, so they decided to return the bag to its owner. But in reward, the old man gave them something…. ¿Tradición o Tragedia?: Four girls, used to going to the mall on Fridays to hang out, were in the bathroom putting up makeup when an earthquake struck. When they came out of the bathroom, there was nobody else inside the mall. They separated in order to search for other people, but a bit later, a second earthquake struck. This time, the lights of the mall and the signal of their phones died. What are you waiting for? BUY the book now. Y' aprenda español ahora!
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