Audiolibro Spanish Novels: Ana, Estudiante Paco Ardit

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Looking for Spanish novels? I know how tough it is to find good books to help you learn a new language. You usually don't have a large vocabulary. You aren't able to read long and complex novels intended for native speakers
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Duracion: 34 mins Looking for Spanish novels? I know how tough it is to find good books to help you learn a new language. You usually don't have a large vocabulary. You aren't able to read long and complex novels intended for native speakers. You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.   A typical beginner's Spanish work isn't interesting or is just plain boring. But this audiobook is not like that. Learning with the Spanish Novels series is easy and straightforward. Forget about difficult, long texts with English translations. This audiobook for Spanish learners is not like that: It will take you to the next level in no time! That means less effort and struggle on your way to fluency in Spanish.   Ana, Estudiante is the first audiobook of the Spanish Novels series. This Spanish story is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, buying things, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who already knows the basics of the Spanish language is ready to listen to this audiobook. I assume you have a general knowledge of personal pronouns, articles, and some common verbs/nouns in Spanish. Actually, the only verb tense you need to know is simple present.   A funny story about love and friendship. A girl who studies psychology at the university falls in love with her teacher, prepares exams, and goes out with friends. The action takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, so you'll be exposed to real Argentinian slang.   This easy Spanish audiobook will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right, you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. There's no doubt about it: A beginner Spanish audiobook is the perfect place to start practicing the language.   Why Spanish Novels?   Short sentences  Short chapters  Easy vocabulary IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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