Audiolibro Scientology y la Capacidad ] L. Ron Hubbard

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"Scientology simply means ‘wisdom, study of.’ But it could also be said to mean this: the application of the methodologies of science to the problems of the mind. And that is what it is and that, very truthfully, is what has happened." (L
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Duracion: 1 hr y 9 mins "Scientology simply means ‘wisdom, study of.’ But it could also be said to mean this: the application of the methodologies of science to the problems of the mind. And that is what it is and that, very truthfully, is what has happened." (L. Ron Hubbard)  When still a young man attending university, Ron observed that those working in the humanities had no training in the exact sciences. Believing that the precision of the scientific method might furnish a solution to the problems of life and livingness, he urged faculty members of the psychology department to apply the principles of physics to the field of the mind. It was an entirely novel approach. And when no one took up the challenge — either then or in later years — Ron undertoo kthe task himself. Unlocking a wealth of answers about human beings and their potentials, he did indeed resolve the long-standing riddle of the mind. With the discovery of its exact nature then came breakthrough after breakthrough, culminating in the first technology providing the means to greatly increased ability. Here, then, is the remarkable account of how Ron bridged the gulf between two disciplines that occupied entirely separate worlds. In consequence, millions today are more happy, successful and able. For this is the adventure of Scientology.  IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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