Audiolibro Recuperación de Abuso Narcisista Paula Enrique

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Are you struggling from the effects of a narcissistic or psychopathic abusive relationship? Like you, many people do!  Sadly, there is very little information available to be found online, in written research, or with counselors and therapists who can help
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Duracion: 3 hrs Are you struggling from the effects of a narcissistic or psychopathic abusive relationship? Like you, many people do!  Sadly, there is very little information available to be found online, in written research, or with counselors and therapists who can help.  Narcissistic victim syndrome is not officially recognized, nor is it widely even known. Even when it is accepted, recognized, and known, not many people seem to know what to do about it to heal it. The fact is, being in a relationship with a narcissist over a long period of time has long-lasting traumatic effects that can be extremely catastrophic to the person suffering them.  Do any of the following symptoms sound familiar?  Ruined self-confidence  Doubt about yourself and your sanity  Mood swings  Sleeplessness  Extreme weight loss or weight gain  Uncharacteristic jealousy/insecurity  A feeling of not knowing the difference between right and wrong  Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective)  Endless, repetitive, and obsessive thinking about your ex  A constant need to find explanations for what has happened  Feelings of helplessness and despair  A desire for self-isolation  A feeling of desperately being misunderstood  Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief  Extreme bouts of rage  An inability to be comfortable with yourself  Strange dreams  Sudden inexplicable anxiety followed by rapid dips into depression  And many more And nobody understands! Don't let the narcissist in your life bully and abuse you for a moment longer!  Take action now. Empower yourself and regain control today by clicking the "Buy Now" button for instant access to the solutions you've been seeking! IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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