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Audiolibro Mi país se desvanece Bakari Sellers

$99.00 MXN Precio en pesos mexicanos, Aceptamos Tarjetas de crédito o débito (A través de Paypal), transferencias o efectivo en Bancos, Oxxo, 7-eleven y diversos establecimientos (A través de MercadoPago)
In Spanish: New York Times Best Seller What J. D
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Duracion: 12 hrs In Spanish: New York Times Best Seller What J. D. Vance did for Appalachia with Hillbilly Elegy, CNN analyst and one of the youngest state representatives in South Carolina history Bakari Sellers does for the rural South, in this important book that illuminates the lives of America’s forgotten Black working-class men and women. Part memoir, part historical and cultural analysis, My Vanishing Country is an eye-opening journey through the South's past, present, and future.  Anchored in Bakari Seller’s hometown of Denmark, South Carolina, Country illuminates the pride and pain that continues to fertilize the soil of one of the poorest states in the nation. He traces his father’s rise, as a friend of Stokely Carmichael and Martin Luther King, a civil rights hero, and member of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), to explore the plight of the South's dwindling rural, Black working class - many of whom can trace their ancestry back for seven generations.  In his poetic personal history, we are awakened to the crisis affecting the other “Forgotten Men & Women”, who the media seldom acknowledges. For Sellers, these are his family members, neighbors, and friends. He humanizes the struggles that shape their lives: to gain access to healthcare as rural hospitals disappear; to make ends meet as the factories they have relied on shut down and move overseas; to hold on to precious traditions as their towns erode; to forge a path forward without succumbing to despair.  My Vanishing Country is also a love letter to fatherhood - to Sellers' father, his lodestar, whose life lessons have shaped him, and to his newborn twins, who he hopes will embrace the Sellers family name and honor its legacy.   IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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