Audiolibro Learn Spanish While You Sleep Joey Valdez

$99.00 MXN Precio en pesos mexicanos, Aceptamos Tarjetas de crédito o débito (A través de Paypal), transferencias o efectivo en Bancos, Oxxo, 7-eleven y diversos establecimientos (A través de MercadoPago)
Do you want to learn the basics of Spanish with very little effort? It usually seems like we don’t have the time to do the things we want. Between studying, work, or taking care of children, the chances for sitting down and learning things are getting harder to find
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Duracion: 2 hrs y 18 mins Do you want to learn the basics of Spanish with very little effort? It usually seems like we don’t have the time to do the things we want. Between studying, work, or taking care of children, the chances for sitting down and learning things are getting harder to find. We all have our reasons for learning a language, though. Maybe you want to travel, talk to relatives from another country, or you’re trying to get the extra edge at work. Thing is: Learning a language can be a complicated process that takes years to even begin to show results. There are so many tools that can help us out with making that process smoother. In this book, you'll discover: Basic Spanish Grammar Colors Dates and Time Body Parts Common Questions Soothing Music for a Deep and Relaxed Nights Sleep And much more.... This style of learning is the most efficient way to supercharge your Spanish vocab, even if you have struggled with different methods in the past! So if you want to learn the basics of Spanish with very little effort, then scroll up, and click the “buy” button now! IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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