Audiolibro Learn Spanish in Your Sleep Glenda Greco

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I’m sure your first question is: Can you actually learn a foreign language while you’re asleep? Well, according to a Swiss research study in 2014, the answer is unassailably, YES! In this study, a group of German speakers were given a list of unfamiliar Dutch words to study
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Duracion: 4 hrs y 4 mins I’m sure your first question is: Can you actually learn a foreign language while you’re asleep? Well, according to a Swiss research study in 2014, the answer is unassailably, YES! In this study, a group of German speakers were given a list of unfamiliar Dutch words to study. Half were instructed to get some sleep, while they listened to long lists of Dutch words and translations. The other half was instructed to stay awake. Four hours later, they were tested and the group that listened while they slept had significantly higher recall. The study concluded that people can indeed absorb new information passively during non-REM sleep - which is the deep sleep we get in the first few hours of the night. And that’s exactly that you’re about to experience in this audiobook. Additionally, your vocabulary lists are paired with soothing music, curated specifically to help you sleep. This music is designed to slow your internal rhythms (your heartbeat, your breathing, your blood pressure) which, in turn, reduces your stress levels. The benefits of this kind of music has been proven in countless studies. It helps your body find its natural, relaxed rhythm. It get you into that deep sleep quicker, where your mind is the most open to learning. This audiobook is divided into six chapters, each with different kinds of vocabulary, and with different music. Choose a different chapter each night, or loop the audiobook to have a continuous stream. Many listeners have found that if they wake up in the middle of the night because of a worry or a small anxiety, that the soothing sounds of the vocabulary list and the music, ease them right back into deep sleep. And, some listeners - those with more experience with the foreign language - have reported that these recordings allow them to dream in that language! That’s a pleasurable experience for most. So take a few deep breaths, get comfortable, and enjoy. IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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