Audiolibro Learn Spanish for Beginners Complete Course The Language Library

$99.00 MXN Precio en pesos mexicanos, Aceptamos Tarjetas de crédito o débito (A través de Paypal), transferencias o efectivo en Bancos, Oxxo, 7-eleven y diversos establecimientos (A través de MercadoPago)
Discover how you can rapdily supercharge your Spanish-speaking abilities with 20+ hours of fun and engaging Spanish lessons you can do absolutely anywhere! Whatever your reason for wanting to learn the beautiful Spanish language, we've got you completely covered
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Duracion: 20 hrs y 38 mins Discover how you can rapdily supercharge your Spanish-speaking abilities with 20+ hours of fun and engaging Spanish lessons you can do absolutely anywhere! Whatever your reason for wanting to learn the beautiful Spanish language, we've got you completely covered. Instead of boring you to death with drowned out lessons that leave you feeling more confused than before you started, we've made it our mission to make learning Spanish fun again! You will be immersed into the wonderful language and all its components and will feel more than comfortable talking to native Spanish people (and be impressing them) quicker than you can say, "Hola, ¿cómo estás?" Say goodbye to constant feelings of frustration at your Spanish abilities and hello to the feelings of excitement and joy due to your newfound language learning abilities. All you need to do is put on your headphones and let our narrator guide you on your journey to sounding just like a native speaker! Here's a tiny example of what's inside.... Over 20 hours' worth of Spanish lessons to rapidly improve all areas of your Spanish-speaking abilities Exact English-Spanish translations throughout all lessons, so you know exactly what you are learning - whether it's a short story or a simple phrase - you'll know what you are saying! Our easy-to-follow system for truly understanding Spanish grammar, conversations, and dialogues (while improving your vocab simultaneously) Lessons you can use even when you're sleeping or driving to further enhance your Spanish skills! A fun and engaging teaching style that will leave you excited to come back for more language lessons (Remember, the more you practice, the better you get!) 50+ beginner-friendly lessons to help you master the basics and reach intermediate levels fast! And so much more! So if you want to get started today on your way to speaking and understanding Spanish like a pro with over 20 hours of fun lessons, then scroll up now and click "buy". IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
Te recomendamos ver nuestro tutorial con imágenes aquí: Como Comprar

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