Audiolibro Learn Beginner Spanish Bundle Baldi's Basics

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Have you ever thought about learning a new language? Are you intrigued by the idea of a new challenge? Is learning a language something that you have thought about for a long time, but never really had the chance to do it? Are you ready to take the plunge into a new language? Then look no further
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Duracion: 10 hrs y 57 mins Have you ever thought about learning a new language? Are you intrigued by the idea of a new challenge? Is learning a language something that you have thought about for a long time, but never really had the chance to do it? Are you ready to take the plunge into a new language? Then look no further. In this volume, you will find 25 short stories and over 100 dialogues that will help you learn Spanish in a fun and interesting way. Forget about those old methodologies in which you just repeat words and learn grammar rules. You won’t have to go through complicated patterns and names. You will find a simple way in which you can learn a new language, while also engaging in interesting topics. You will learn vocabulary based on topics such as: Money and banking Personal characteristics Travel Asking for directions Ordering in a restaurant Describing your home Talking about your job Meeting people Talking about hobbies Talking about space And many more interesting topics! This book has been designed to help you take your Spanish skill level from zero to 60 in the shortest amount of time possible. You won’t have to struggle to find the right words to express what you want to say. You will find that with this material, you will be able to get the information you need in order to not only understand, but also contribute. So, don’t wait any longer. Take the first step toward making your Spanish skills and asset. Of course, you can always go around looking for various sources of material. And yes, the internet is filled with resources, videos, materials and guides. Many of them claim to be that magical, silver bullet that will put you over the top. However, not all of them deliver. With the methodology, you won’t hear any claims. In fact, we are so confident that you will learn Spanish so quickly, that you won’t be able to resist moving on to the next level. Don’t be surprised if you become addicted to Spanish! So, come one it. Let’s take a look at how Spanish can provide you with the tools you need to improve your personal and professional skill set, open you up to a new culture and give you the challenge you are looking for. Best of all, you won’t find this methodology to be a struggle. You will find easy and engaging stories that will actually get you using Spanish right off the bat. So, don’t wait another minute. The longer you wait, the longer it will take you to learn the language that you have always wanted to. IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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