Audiolibro Beginners Guide to Learn Spanish Madeline Silva

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You're probably here because you've been thinking about learning Spanish but you are either not motivated enough or not confident in your abilities to learn a new language. If this is you, then pay attention...
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Duracion: 3 hrs y 20 mins You're probably here because you've been thinking about learning Spanish but you are either not motivated enough or not confident in your abilities to learn a new language. If this is you, then pay attention.... Here are three reasons why you should learn a new language: Psychological studies have proven that a new language will enhance your cognitive abilities  The process of learning a new language strengthens your memory muscle  It positively impacts your English as it makes you aware of the ways you can structure and manipulate a language So why should you learn Spanish? Spanish is the fourth most spoken language in the world. It's a highly valuable language and will open up many professional opportunities. It will enhance your travels as it's spoken in over 20 countries. If you're feeling overwhelmed about learning Spanish or you feel like you've tried but nothing seems to stick, then you've come to the right place. If you're a beginner of Spanish or if you’ve studied it before but need to go back to basics then this audiobook will assist you on your studies and is great to have whilst you're travelling. In this audiobook, you will learn: Phrases for greetings and conversations Phrases needed for your travels including directions and restaurants Phrases you can use to get to know the locals Verbs, adverbs, numbers, and more So don't put off learning Spanish any longer and make yourself proud by taking that first step by getting this audiobook now! IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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