Duracion: 4 hrs y 39 mins
Learn to speak in Spanish about the things that matter to you. Massively improve your Spanish vocabulary and speaking skills through listening to 32 everyday topics. Who is it for? If you are a beginner with a good understanding of basic grammar and vocabulary, then this is the guide to help you to take your Spanish to the next level. How does it work? Each section covers a topic that you would commonly talk about in your own language. So instead of learning boring vocabulary lists, you will be listening to interesting articles and learning the specific language you will need for having real conversations with other Spanish speakers. We’ve kept it interesting by giving each topic an "angle". So, for example the "romance" section is about "online dating", and the "food" section is about "cooking shows", etc. This way, you will be much more engaged and learn more smoothly. By the end of this guide, you will: Know the essential Spanish vocabulary for speaking about 32 everyday topics Feel confident having real conversations about real topics with other Spanish speakers Know 100’s of new Spanish words and feel comfortable about moving up to the intermediate level Get started today and buy today, and start speaking with confidence about 32 everyday topics.
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