Audiolibro Baby-Led Weaning Sarah White

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The days of pureeing and spoon-feeding are over. Let your baby take control for a peaceful, stress-free weaning. In the first six months of their lives, babies go through so many important milestones: smiling, teething, crawling, and interacting with people and objects
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Duracion: 3 hrs y 52 mins The days of pureeing and spoon-feeding are over. Let your baby take control for a peaceful, stress-free weaning. In the first six months of their lives, babies go through so many important milestones: smiling, teething, crawling, and interacting with people and objects. But the crucial development milestone in the first year of baby’s life is...weaning. In other words, introducing your baby to solid food. If you’re a parent, you know this occurs when your baby is about six months old. But did you know that this period in your baby’s life can have a huge impact on his or her future? In the last few years, more and more parents have abandoned the old-fashioned approach to weaning that consists of mashed food that’s usually spoon-fed to babies. As an alternative, they opt for baby-led weaning, or letting their child feed themselves without parent help or involvement. It’s all due to the benefits this method has shown since it was first introduced to the public, more than a decade ago. It is now clear that this type of weaning helps babies develop their motor and cognitive skills, as well as boost their confidence and make them more independent individuals later on in life. Babies who eat without the help of others also grow up to have a healthier approach to food. This is due to the fact that they practice portion control very early on, which helps them avoid obesity problems in their adulthood. According to a survey conducted in 2017, 90 percent of questioned parents were willing to consider trying out baby-led weaning, if they had simple guidance and easy recipes to follow. Well, here it is - the ultimate, comprehensive guide and a cookbook for baby-led weaning! In Baby-Led Weaning, you will discover: How and why will this method make your life easier and simpler, and your baby’s life healthier and happier  Safety instructions for implementing this method, including a guide on how to recognize when your baby is ready to eat solids  Solutions for preventing gagging and choking, helpful even for those who are spoon-feeding their babies  A full list of equipment you’ll need for weaning, as well as tips and tricks to prepare the ground for one of the most important steps in your baby’s life  An ultimate, step-by-step guide for weaning according to your baby’s age, development stage, and nutritional needs  Numerous uncomplicated recipes for all meal types, including delicious and nutritious snacks  Fantastic finger-food recipes you’ll often make not just for your baby, but for the entire family And much more. The first concern parents have when considering baby-led weaning is the danger of choking. This is a huge misconception that is preventing many from trying out something that could benefit their child enormously. The truth is, choking can happen at any time, regardless of the food texture. To prevent it from happening, all you need to do is to follow simple safety measures. Don’t deprive your child of independence - encourage it, but be smart about it. If you’re ready to add your baby to your family’s dinner table, then scroll up and buy right now. IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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