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Audiolibro 1001 Top Spanish Words in Context Michael Navarro
$99.00 MXN Precio en pesos mexicanos, Aceptamos Tarjetas de crédito o débito (A través de Paypal), transferencias o efectivo en Bancos, Oxxo, 7-eleven y diversos establecimientos (A través de MercadoPago)Did you know that there are many different ways to learn a new language?The most common way is to live in a country where an unknown language is spoken. Practicing it every day and using it to relate to people will make you understand it
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Por ser contenido digital no se aceptan devoluciones salvo en algunas excepciones, conoce más en el siguiente enlace: Envios y devoluciones.Duracion: 3 hrs y 47 mins Did you know that there are many different ways to learn a new language?The most common way is to live in a country where an unknown language is spoken. Practicing it every day and using it to relate to people will make you understand it. This is how you learn your mother tongue and how children learn a second language. Another way is to get into a course where instructors teach you all the characteristics and particularities of the language. One other way is listening or reading sentences in both languages and doing some analysis word by word to understand the meaning of each word according to its context. In the book 1001 Top Spanish Words in Context: How to Speak Intermediate-Level Spanish in Less than 21 Days, we will teach you 1000 basic words used in different sentences, so you can understand the context of their use. These words are distributed as follows: Chapter 1: This is the chapter with the highest number of words because they are related to grammar. It features words, such as verbs, adjectives, adverbs, numbers, and a few polysemous words. Dividing them into sections will differentiate each group of words and their uses. Chapter 2: In this chapter, you will find useful words to talk about the home, things we can find at home, spaces in the home, household chores, and many other words. Chapter 3: Here, you will see words related to family and the connections we have with other people, family bonds, relationships, friendships, and some vocabulary corresponding to the topic. Chapter 4: Are you interested in nature and animals? This chapter is for you. Here are words related to nature, natural phenomenons, animals, and other things that will be of great pleasure to you if you are a nature lover. Chapter 5: Are you learning Spanish to improve your CV? Are you looking for a job that requires some Spanish? In this chapter, you will find words related to profession, work, and the business world. Chapter 6: Here, you will find words about clothing, sizes, accessories, and hairstyle. After listening to this audiobook, you will be able to start a conversation with people who speak the Spanish language without any inconvenience. This book has been designed in such a way that when you listen to the book until the end and practice what you have learned, your understanding of Spanish will be at the intermediate level. What are you waiting for? Buy this wonderful book, and start speaking the second most spoken language in the world. We assure you that although there are many books of this style in the market, you'll not regret choosing this one. Scroll to the top of the page and select the "buy now" button. IDIOMA: ESPAÑOLTe recomendamos ver nuestro tutorial con imágenes aquí: Como Comprar
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Did you know that there are many different ways to learn a new language?The most common way is to live in a country where an unknown language is spoken. Practicing it every day and using it to relate to people will make you understand it
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- Guias Exani Egel Ceneval Y Mas
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