Audiolibro Spanish: Short Stories for Beginners E-Z Language Institute

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Have you ever wanted to learn another language?   Has Spanish always caught your eye?   Have you tried to learn Spanish before but couldn’t seem to make any headway?   Are you eager to learn Spanish but haven’t found the best way to get started?   In this book, Spanish Short Stories for Beginners:
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Duracion: 1 hr y 25 mins Have you ever wanted to learn another language?   Has Spanish always caught your eye?   Have you tried to learn Spanish before but couldn’t seem to make any headway?   Are you eager to learn Spanish but haven’t found the best way to get started?   In this book, Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: 10 Exciting Short Stories to Learn Spanish and Improve Your Vocabulary, you will find a collection of short stories that are designed to get you conversational in Spanish in a short period of time.   Each story is based on a theme that provides you with language that you can use to improve your Spanish skills. So whether you are brand new to Spanish, or have studied in the past, you will find a great deal of useful information in this book.    Best of all, you won’t have to struggle to find an effective way in which you can get your feet wet with the Spanish language. Everything you need to get started is right here.   Here is a sample of the many topics that are covered in this volume:   How to provide personal information  How to indicate your likes and dislikes  How to talk about your family and friends  How to describe people  How to describe your favorite activities  How to talk about hobbies and pastimes  How to describe your home  How to talk about your job  How to talk about your vacation  How to ask useful questions to get information from others And so much more Each one of these lessons has been designed with the intent of presenting information in an easy and digestible manner. That way, you will have the opportunity to talk about each one of the topics in a proper manner. In this manner, you will not only be able to understand what others are telling you, but you will also be able to get your message across.  IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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