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- Guias Exani Egel Ceneval Y Mas
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Audiolibro Learn Medical Spanish in 100 Days Touri Language Learning
$99.00 MXN Precio en pesos mexicanos, Aceptamos Tarjetas de crédito o débito (A través de Paypal), transferencias o efectivo en Bancos, Oxxo, 7-eleven y diversos establecimientos (A través de MercadoPago)Do you know what studies have shown to improve the outcome of patient care? To deliver quality care in the patient's language! The Spanish-speaking population is growing rapidly, and the number of people who need your help is only going to increase
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Por ser contenido digital no se aceptan devoluciones salvo en algunas excepciones, conoce más en el siguiente enlace: Envios y devoluciones.Duracion: 7 hrs y 24 mins Do you know what studies have shown to improve the outcome of patient care? To deliver quality care in the patient's language! The Spanish-speaking population is growing rapidly, and the number of people who need your help is only going to increase. Providing world-class medical care is challenging enough without the language barrier, not to mention all the stress involved in emergency situations. We understand you - there's no worse feeling than embarrassing yourself every time someone asks you to explain in Spanish different symptoms, diagnoses, or tests, and you have no clue how to say it. And in some cases, this communication barrier could be the difference between life or death. "How do I get out of this situation," you may ask yourself, but have yet to find a straight-forward answer. Until now. This book has tons of medical Spanish. Real Spanish medical conversations for healthcare professionals that is jam-packed with medical terminology to get you communicating with patients fast! Inside, you'll discover a series of common real world Spanish and English dialogues so you're prepared for nearly any situation. Additionally, each day consists of 10 new words and phrases to help you tear down the language barrier and provide top-notch care to your Spanish-speaking patients. Just imagine how effortless speaking Spanish will be for you after listening to this book. Your confidence and ability to effectively communicate with native Spanish-speakers will dramatically improve. Why Learn Medical Spanish? Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn.... Expand your medical Spanish vocabulary Be able to gather important information from patients and facilitate patient orientation Convey health information to patients Inform and instruct about procedures Make a connection with patients and families Prepare the patient for treatment or discharge Expand your basic understanding of the language Much, much more! Building a strong foundation of vocabulary is critical to your improvement and reaching fluency. We guarantee you that this book is packed with vocabulary and phrases that you can start using today. Whether you're an EMT, nurse, doctor, dentist, or even a medical assistant - this book is for you! Download your copy today! What are you waiting for? Scroll back up, and click the "buy" button to get your copy right now! IDIOMA: ESPAÑOLTe recomendamos ver nuestro tutorial con imágenes aquí: Como Comprar
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Do you know what studies have shown to improve the outcome of patient care? To deliver quality care in the patient's language! The Spanish-speaking population is growing rapidly, and the number of people who need your help is only going to increase
- Con Descuento
- Guias Exani Egel Ceneval Y Mas
- AudioLibros