Audiolibro La Aberración y su Manejo ] L. Ron Hubbard

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"I’m going to talk to you now about what aberration is. Aberration. Means exactly what it says. Aberration. It means something isn’t going straight. It’s basically an optical term, aberration, which drifted over into the field of the mind." -L
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Duracion: 1 hr y 4 mins "I’m going to talk to you now about what aberration is. Aberration. Means exactly what it says. Aberration. It means something isn’t going straight. It’s basically an optical term, aberration, which drifted over into the field of the mind." -L. Ron Hubbard It betrays the brightest hopes of individuals, drives familie sapart, incites organizational turmoil and pitches nations into chaos. What malignant seed grows in the human mind that not only prevents individuals from “thinking straight”, but forces them to act out their irrationalities? Man’s failure over many millennia to find the cause of aberration has exacted an incalculable toll in personal unhappiness andruined lives. But were the answer found, the horizons would be unlimited. Individuals could achieve the lasting success they desire. Families would thrive, united and strong. Groups and organizations would reach new levels of prosperity. Nations would flourish, realizing they no longer need resolve their differences by violence and war. And even the brotherhood of Man might graduate from poetry to reality.  Here, then, with the isolation of the germ of destruction hidden for so long in the human mind, is the knowledge to actually reach those goals. Individuals, groups, nations, and civilization itself can be freed from the bitter consequences of aberration. The answer lies in the discovery of the previously unknown mental image picture and, by virtue of all thus revealed, the prospect of a better world for all.  IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL
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